Course: Microsoft Azure: From Zero to Hero - The Complete Guide | Udemy Business
Video= 82 = Working with Containers
download azure cli
command =>
open cart app - vs code
add docker extension by microsoft
opern dockerfile
azure portal
open Container registries
create => give name and SKU = basic
click access keys=> Enable admin user for VS code
vs code => docker extension=> click on
azure => azure subscription 1=> name of container registrey =>
reight clikc to dockerfile => click buid Image in azure =>name = latest => OS Linux
if any error => open terminal => az login
go to portal => open container registri => Repository => you can see cart/'latest'
Video => 83=>working with azure Kubernetes => AKS
open azure portal => search => Kubernetes services
create => Kubernetes cluster
cluster preset config= dev/test
name = cart-aks , tier =free
intergation tab- container registry- select name - review create = done
open cart porject in vs- terminal
dowmload aks cli => az aks install cli
restart vs code
run command => az login
run command =>
az aks get-credentials --resource-group readit-app-rg --name cart-aks
run command =>
kubectl get nodes
this will show running nodes
deployment.yaml file => use to kubernatics to deploy cluster
change image section =>name with registry name
run command = to create sevice
kubctl apply -f deployment.yaml
go to portal
search kubernetes service => open created cart-aks
=> services and ingresses
=> list=> readit-cart = with type = load balancer
click on readit-cart
ports and pods
click on pods
click on external IP => which is deployed URL