9.3.1 Overview
In SQL Server, permissions control access to the database objects. The GRANT statement is used to give specific permissions to users or roles.
9.3.2 Checking Current Permissions
You can use the following query to check the current permissions of a user or role on a specific object:
-- Query to check permissionsUSE YourDatabaseName;-- Replace 'YourObjectName' with the actual object name (table, view, stored procedure, etc.)-- Replace 'YourUserName' with the actual user or role nameSELECTpermission_name,state_descFROM sys.database_permissionsWHEREmajor_id = OBJECT_ID('YourObjectName') ANDgrantee_principal_id = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID('YourUserName');
9.3.3 Granting SELECT Permission
Let's grant SELECT permission on a table named 'SampleTable' to a user named 'SampleUser':
-- Grant SELECT permissionUSE YourDatabaseName;GRANT SELECT ON dbo.SampleTable TO SampleUser;
9.3.4 Verifying SELECT Permission
After granting the SELECT permission, you can verify the permissions again using the query from section 9.3.2:
-- Verify SELECT permissionUSE YourDatabaseName;SELECTpermission_name,state_descFROM sys.database_permissionsWHEREmajor_id = OBJECT_ID('SampleTable') ANDgrantee_principal_id = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID('SampleUser');
permission_name | state_desc |
9.3.5 Granting EXECUTE Permission on a Stored Procedure
Let's grant EXECUTE permission on a stored procedure named 'usp_SampleProcedure' to a role named 'SampleRole':
-- Grant EXECUTE permissionUSE YourDatabaseName;GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.usp_SampleProcedure TO SampleRole;
9.3.6 Verifying EXECUTE Permission
After granting the EXECUTE permission, you can verify the permissions using the query from section 9.3.2:
-- Verify EXECUTE permissionUSE YourDatabaseName;SELECTpermission_name,state_descFROM sys.database_permissionsWHEREmajor_id = OBJECT_ID('usp_SampleProcedure') ANDgrantee_principal_id = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID('SampleRole');
permission_name | state_desc |
9.3.7 Revoking Permissions
To revoke a permission, you can use the REVOKE statement. For example, to revoke the SELECT permission:
-- Revoke SELECT permissionUSE YourDatabaseName;REVOKE SELECT ON dbo.SampleTable FROM SampleUser;
9.3.8 Verifying Revoked Permission
After revoking the SELECT permission, verify the permissions using the query from section 9.3.2:
-- Verify revoked SELECT permissionUSE YourDatabaseName;SELECTpermission_name,state_descFROM sys.database_permissionsWHEREmajor_id = OBJECT_ID('SampleTable') ANDgrantee_principal_id = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID('SampleUser');
permission_name | state_desc |
This table-format tutorial should make it easier to understand the concepts and see the query outputs at each step. Adjust the object names and user/role names based on your actual database configuration.