Triggers in SQL Server are special types of stored procedures that are automatically executed (or "triggered") in response to specific events, such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or even schema changes. There are two main types of triggers: AFTER triggers and INSTEAD OF triggers.
7.2.1 AFTER Triggers
AFTER triggers are executed after the triggering event has occurred, but before the changes are committed to the database.
Consider a table Employee
with columns EmployeeID
, FirstName
, LastName
, and Salary
. We'll create an AFTER INSERT trigger that automatically updates a log table whenever a new employee is inserted.
-- Create Employee tableCREATE TABLE Employee (EmployeeID INT PRIMARY KEY,FirstName NVARCHAR(50),LastName NVARCHAR(50),Salary DECIMAL(10, 2));-- Create Log tableCREATE TABLE EmployeeLog (LogID INT PRIMARY KEY,Action NVARCHAR(50),EmployeeID INT,LogDate DATETIME);-- Create AFTER INSERT TriggerCREATE TRIGGER AfterInsertEmployeeON EmployeeAFTER INSERTASBEGININSERT INTO EmployeeLog (Action, EmployeeID, LogDate)SELECT 'Employee Inserted', EmployeeID, GETDATE()FROM INSERTED;END;-- Insert a new employeeINSERT INTO Employee (EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Salary)VALUES (1, 'John', 'Doe', 50000);
Query Output:
LogID | Action | EmployeeID | LogDate |
1 | Employee Inserted | 1 | [Current Timestamp] |
In this example, when a new employee is inserted into the Employee
table, the AFTER INSERT trigger is fired, and a corresponding entry is added to the EmployeeLog
7.2.2 INSTEAD OF Triggers
INSTEAD OF triggers are executed instead of the triggering statement. They allow you to override the standard actions associated with the triggering statement.
Let's create an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger on the Employee
table that prevents updating the salary directly and instead updates a history table.
-- Create SalaryHistory tableCREATE TABLE SalaryHistory (HistoryID INT PRIMARY KEY,EmployeeID INT,OldSalary DECIMAL(10, 2),NewSalary DECIMAL(10, 2),UpdateDate DATETIME);-- Create INSTEAD OF UPDATE TriggerCREATE TRIGGER InsteadOfUpdateSalaryON EmployeeINSTEAD OF UPDATEASBEGINDECLARE @EmployeeID INT, @OldSalary DECIMAL(10, 2), @NewSalary DECIMAL(10, 2);SELECT @EmployeeID = EmployeeID, @OldSalary = SalaryFROM DELETED;SELECT @NewSalary = SalaryFROM INSERTED;UPDATE EmployeeSET Salary = @NewSalaryWHERE EmployeeID = @EmployeeID;INSERT INTO SalaryHistory (EmployeeID, OldSalary, NewSalary, UpdateDate)VALUES (@EmployeeID, @OldSalary, @NewSalary, GETDATE());END;-- Update the salary of an employeeUPDATE EmployeeSET Salary = 60000WHERE EmployeeID = 1;
Query Output:
HistoryID | EmployeeID | OldSalary | NewSalary | UpdateDate |
1 | 1 | 50000.00 | 60000.00 | [Current Timestamp] |
In this example, when the salary of an employee is updated, the INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger is fired, and the salary change is recorded in the SalaryHistory
table instead of directly updating the Employee
These examples illustrate the use of AFTER and INSTEAD OF triggers in SQL Server and how they can be applied to perform custom actions in response to specific events.