Polymorphism is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows objects of different types to be treated as objects of a common type. In C#, polymorphism is achieved through the use of interfaces, abstract classes, and virtual methods. Let's create a simple tutorial to understand polymorphism in C#.
1. Introduction to Polymorphism:
Polymorphism allows you to work with objects of different types through a common interface or base class. There are two types of polymorphism in C#:
- Compile-time Polymorphism (Static Binding): Achieved through method overloading and operator overloading.
- Run-time Polymorphism (Dynamic Binding): Achieved through method overriding.
2. Method Overloading:
Method overloading is a form of compile-time polymorphism where you can define multiple methods with the same name but with different parameters.
class Calculator{public int Add(int a, int b){return a + b;}public double Add(double a, double b){return a + b;}}class Program{static void Main(){Calculator calculator = new Calculator();Console.WriteLine(calculator.Add(5, 10)); // Calls the int versionConsole.WriteLine(calculator.Add(5.5, 10.5)); // Calls the double version}}
3. Method Overriding:
Method overriding is a form of run-time polymorphism where a method in a base class is redefined in a derived class.
class Shape{public virtual void Draw(){Console.WriteLine("Drawing a shape");}}class Circle : Shape{public override void Draw(){Console.WriteLine("Drawing a circle");}}class Rectangle : Shape{public override void Draw(){Console.WriteLine("Drawing a rectangle");}}class Program{static void Main(){Shape shape1 = new Circle();Shape shape2 = new Rectangle();shape1.Draw(); // Calls the Draw method of Circleshape2.Draw(); // Calls the Draw method of Rectangle}}
4. Interface-based Polymorphism:
Interfaces provide a way to achieve polymorphism by defining a contract that classes must implement.
interface IShape{void Draw();}class Circle : IShape{public void Draw(){Console.WriteLine("Drawing a circle");}}class Rectangle : IShape{public void Draw(){Console.WriteLine("Drawing a rectangle");}}class Program{static void Main(){IShape shape1 = new Circle();IShape shape2 = new Rectangle();shape1.Draw(); // Calls the Draw method of Circleshape2.Draw(); // Calls the Draw method of Rectangle}}
Polymorphism is a powerful concept in C# that allows you to write more flexible and reusable code. Whether through method overloading, method overriding, or interfaces, polymorphism enables you to work with objects in a more abstract and generic way.