A trigger is a set of instructions that are automatically executed (or "triggered") in response to specific events on a particular table or view. Triggers are powerful database objects that can be used for enforcing business rules, maintaining data integrity, and automating tasks.
7.1.1 Syntax for Creating a Trigger
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_nameON table_nameAFTER INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE -- Event(s) that trigger the executionASBEGIN-- Trigger logic hereEND;
7.1.2 Example: Creating an After Insert Trigger
Let's create a simple trigger that logs information whenever a new record is inserted into the "Employees" table.
-- Step 1: Create the Employees table for demonstrationCREATE TABLE Employees (EmployeeID INT PRIMARY KEY,EmployeeName VARCHAR(50),Salary DECIMAL(10, 2));-- Step 2: Create the TriggerCREATE TRIGGER trgAfterInsertON EmployeesAFTER INSERTASBEGININSERT INTO AuditLog (Action, TableName, DateTime)VALUES ('INSERT', 'Employees', GETDATE());END;
7.1.3 Testing the Trigger
Now, let's insert a new record into the "Employees" table and observe the trigger's effect.
-- Inserting a new recordINSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, EmployeeName, Salary)VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 50000.00);-- Querying the AuditLog table to see the trigger resultSELECT * FROM AuditLog;
Trigger Test Output:
AuditID | Action | TableName | DateTime |
1 | INSERT | Employees | [Timestamp of Insert] |
In this example, the trigger (trgAfterInsert
) logs an entry into the AuditLog
table whenever a new record is inserted into the Employees
7.1.4 Example: Creating an After Update Trigger
Now, let's create a trigger that updates the LastModified
column whenever a record in the Employees
table is updated.
-- Step 3: Alter the Employees table to include the LastModified columnALTER TABLE EmployeesADD LastModified DATETIME;-- Step 4: Create the Update TriggerCREATE TRIGGER trgAfterUpdateON EmployeesAFTER UPDATEASBEGINUPDATE EmployeesSET LastModified = GETDATE()FROM Employees eINNER JOIN inserted i ON e.EmployeeID = i.EmployeeID;END;
7.1.5 Testing the Update Trigger
Now, let's update a record in the Employees
table and check the result.
-- Updating a recordUPDATE EmployeesSET Salary = 55000.00WHERE EmployeeID = 1;-- Querying the Employees table to see the LastModified columnSELECT * FROM Employees;
Update Trigger Test Output:
EmployeeID | EmployeeName | Salary | LastModified |
1 | John Doe | 55000.00 | [Timestamp of Update] |
In this example, the trigger (trgAfterUpdate
) updates the LastModified
column whenever the Salary
column is updated in the Employees
Feel free to customize the examples based on your specific use case and table structure. This tutorial provides a basic understanding of how to create triggers and includes test outputs in a tabular format for better readability.